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  • Writer's pictureEmily

94. Pulp Fiction (1994)


I really enjoyed this movie! I feel like every pretentious film kid says that this is their favorite movie, and then asks you to name every Tarantino movie or else you’re not a real fan… but I do see the hype. I mean, with a cast this great you can’t go wrong. John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson were fantastic. The structure of this film (cyclical; not chronological) is awesome and the dialogue was quick and witty.

The best scenes in this film were the ones with Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) in them, in my opinion. The scene at the retro restaurant with the twist contest was so great. Unfortunately she’s really only in the film for about 25 minutes. But those minutes are great!

This film has three main acts, the first featuring Vincent (John Travolta), the second with Butch (Bruce Willis), and the last with Jules (Samuel L. Jackson). Each segment uses violence to keep us on our toes, and truly not at any point in this film could I have guessed what was going to happen next. I like that a lot of this movie is up for interpretation: for example, what was in Jules’s briefcase?

Tarantino as a director is not my favorite, but his films definitely give off a “cult” vibe that I like. I don’t know what is up with his obsession with using the N-word in his films… but okay, I guess? I really enjoy his writing, even though in my opinion it is certainly targeted toward a male audience. And the soundtrack for this movie makes it all the more dramatic. 

I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, and I am definitely looking forward to watching it again and seeing new hints and timelines!

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