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  • Writer's pictureEmily

An Update (Where Have We Been?)

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while since we have posted, but fear not--we have still been writing reviews! I have been on a quest to watch all 100 films on the American Film Institute's list of the Top 100 Films of All Time, which is very daunting but so exciting. Check the link below to see the list, and how many you have seen!

I am about 30 movies in... it takes a while because not only am I watching the films but I am also reviewing each one. Expect those to start coming up soon!

Also, I have written a bunch of miscellaneous reviews of random movies that I will be posting here as well.

Lastly, we have a new Instagram account that will post reviews too! Follow @teencriticsnyc for more updates and to keep up with our reviews!


Emily <3

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