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Black Lives Matter

#blacklivesmatter. Thought I'd put it out there, because I'd seen that nobody else had said that yet. Just in case anyone doesn't understand, Black Lives Matter because all lives matter, and black lives are being taken at a significantly higher rate than the lives of others. And to give some context, in case anyone here forgot, our country is literally based on the sin of slavery. In case you are ever suffering from a bout of American Exceptionalism, which means that you believe that America is a special snowflake on the global stage and also superior, remember slavery. Our country is built on the kidnapping of people with more melanin in their skin, and forcing them to do work or else they die. Slavery was yesterday. The effects linger. As you contemplate this, take the time to watch Thirteenth on Netflix. Also, check yourself on bias. I have done so myself, as I realize that I have seen black people as inherently different from me for my entire life, and we all do to some extent. It is part of our heritage. Check ya self. 

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