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By Nick!!

Cloverfield is one of those movies that is relatively unknown but would be very highly regarded if more people took the time to see it. I watched it with my parents about three days ago, making it my third time, and their second. Put simply, Cloverfield is a realistic monster-movie. It lacks the cheesiness of the Alien franchise, relates closely to Godzilla but with better acting, and doesn’t fit into conventional horror genres because it only includes a few moments that are genuinely frightening (at least for me). As a lover of scary movies, I am essentially immune to Cloverfield’s elements of terror, of which there are a few, but I would still say that if you are easily frightened, take a pass on this one.

Cloverfield is filmed from the point of view of a hand-held camera, which is one of the unique and attractive features that sets it apart from other movies I have watched. As a stylistic choice overall, this enhances the visceral and griping aspects that Cloverfield thrives on. In fact, when watching the movie I can’t help but be reminded of the Blair Witch Project (but don’t worry, it’s not that scary). The setting is New York City and the story follows a core group of friends who struggle to stay alive and protect their loved ones. Spoiler alert, they have a really shitty time. The movie is an hour and thirty minutes, but it always feels much shorter due to the fast pace and excitement. Overall, I would definitely recommend you watch this movie for its sheer sci-fi appeal, compelling characters, and realistic feel.

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