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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Princess Bride Reunion Review

Last night was the highly anticipated reunion of The Princess Bride, and I thought I would just briefly talk about it for those who missed it! As is the case for almost every live virtual event, there were certainly plenty of technical difficulties, from Josh Gad's mic being off to Wallace Shawn's sound being delayed, and this caused the script reading to go on for a really long time. But, overall, the night was incredible. I loved seeing the entire cast back together again, playing their parts from THIRTY-SEVEN years ago. Jeez! I feel that Mandy Patinkin and Chris Sarandon really deserve a shoutout for preserving their characters well. And, of course, Wallace Shawn, Billy Crystal, and Carol Kane are still hilarious. The new cast, which included Josh Gad, Whoopi Goldberg, Finn Wolfhard, and more, was entertaining, but not nearly as good as the original (Josh Gad, once his mic worked, was great, though). And, Rob Reiner, who played the role of the Grandfather in this version, was spot on. Of course, Cary Elwes and Robin Wright were awesome! Over 100,000 people were watching the event, and I'm sure it was successful in raising money... hopefully it helps us win Wisconson and, thereby, the White House!!!

I feel that the best part of the event was the post-show Q&A, where the cast and crew answered questions. It was so fun to hear all of their stories from filming, and hear about their experiences with the late, great André the Giant. I knew a lot of the stories from Cary Elwes's book, but it was still really fun to watch them laugh together and reminisce. Also, Norman Lear is 98 years old and he is still so with it! I have posted some video highlights below, because I don't know if they are ever going to post the video for the public to view! If you hear me laughing in the background of the video, ignore that, because who WOULDN'T be laughing at their incredible comedy skills!?!?!? Enjoy.

1. My name is Inigo Montoya...

2. Have fun storming the castle!

3. As you wish...

4. Inconceivable!

5. Patton Oswalt, Norman Lear, and Rob Reiner.

I hope those files worked! If not I will try them again later. Thanks for reading!

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